Your Vehicle Is a Year Older


The Christmas holiday is upon us, and we’re reminded that another year has passed. Just like that, we’re all a year older.

YOUR VEHICLE IS A YEAR OLDER TOO Father Time and Car Are a Year Older Too

Your vehicle experiences the effects of Father Time as well. Maybe your old vehicle has seen its best days? Should you replace it? Or should you invest some money in maintenance? Decisions, decisions.

Obviously, if your current vehicle is paid for and you don’t have the money to pay cash for a newer one, perhaps you should invest in maintenance and continue to drive your current vehicle for a while longer. But you may have a better option.


If the money needed to repair or maintain your present vehicle is sufficient for a good down payment on a newer model, consider these reasons to finance a newer vehicle:

  • Newer vehicles usually cost less to maintain.
  • Fuel mileage is generally better on newer versions.
  • Newer versions often have modern technology like Bluetooth and satellite radio as standard features.
  • Updated technology and safety features allow newer vehicles to transport you more reliably and safely from point A to point B.

In short, knowing that your vehicle is a year older and that vehicles have a limited lifetime, if you have gotten the most out of your current vehicle, consider updating it.

Happy Trails,

Tom Fitts signature

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